
cute solkat fluffystuffs

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Literature Text

▼: Karkat Vantas sat in the dimly lighted coffee shop, mildly sipping at his coffee and bored out of his mind. Checking his phone for the twelfth time he sighed, finally deciding giving up on waiting for his shit-hook-of-a-friend. As he got up to leave the 'ding' of the shop's hanging doorbell rang, and walking in was his late-as-fuck-friend.

▲: In rushed in Sollux, late as usual and his face a bit flushed from running. God damnit, why today of all days when he was supposed to meet up with his grouchy-douche-of-a-friend did his boss have to keep him an hour after work? He let out a sigh and sat down in the chair across from Karkat-who was still standing and looking as though he was about to leave. "'Thhit, I'm 'thorry, kk."

▼: Karkat scowled at the lisping boy and sat back down. "And where the fuck were you this time? Let me guess, another excuse from the world's greatest douche is about to come spewing from your protein chute, isn't it?" He was angry as hell, but that was to be expected now, wasn't it? After all, Sollux was late for their date so Karkat was pretty sure he had a good excuse for his anger.

▲: "I'm 'tho fucking 'thorry." Sollux repeated, looking at the table. "Eridan wa'th being an a'thhole and wouldn't let me leave. Je'thu'th that guy 'thure talk'th a lot." He was breathing hard, as he'd ran the entire way over, not wanting to keep his crush waiting for any longer. He now slumped over in the chair as though he'd just run a marathon rather than a few blocks. "I'm really 'thorry, kk, wa'th'nt my fault thi'th time, I 'thwear."

▼: Karkat sighed. "Why does it seem like you always do this? You're always late for something and then you pull some excuse out." he said exasperatedly, although he had to say, it was kinda sweet of Sollux to run here. At least he cared enough to TRY and get here on time. He sipped his still slightly warm coffee and stared at Sollux. "I'm only going to give you one chance next time." He said warningly, but even he knew he wouldn't leave Sollux. Especially from something like being late, they have had fights about more serious things then being late before.

▲: Sollux knew Karkat wouldn't leave him as well, but he still felt pretty douchey. Yeah, this /did/ seem to happen a lot, didn't it? On the spur of the moment he decided that he wasn't going to keep Karkat waiting again, especially not for an hour. "One chanc'the i'th all I need. It won't happen again, promi'the."

▼: Karkat let his scowl drop and it was replaced with a small smile. "Thanks," he said, and just so Sollux knew that he loved him, he quickly added "But you're still an asshole.." and sipped more of his coffee. "So, you want to order something to drink, or do you plan on eating air?" he said and sucked in a bunch of air, letting it out in a small laugh. Karkat didn't laugh often, but most times when he did, Sollux was with him.

▲: Sollux couldn't help but smile when Karkat laughed-it was a rare thing to hear, which was a shame because it had to be the cutest thing he'd ever heard. "Feeling too lazy to get up and go 'thtand in line." He answered honestly. "Think I'll ju'tht 'thtick to eating air."

▼: "That's too bad, the air here tastes terrible. The coffee's better." he said with a smile playing on his lips and finished off his coffee. "So what exactly was it the Eridan was holding you up for anyways?" he said curiously, slightly cocking his head to the side. "This had to be the longest time yet, it was either something important or desperate as fuck."

▲: Sollux let out an annoyed huff and rolled his eyes at the mention of his whiny and rather melodramatic boss. "A mix'th of both. He 'thtarted out going off on me for playing mindcraft in'thead of working, and then 'thomehow that conver'thation turned to what I wa'th doing thi'th weekend. Nearly punched the douche. I thought I made it clear that I wa'th taken and wa'thn't going to be changing my mind, but I gue'th not."

▼: He chuckled. "Pretty damn sure you've made it clear, what? About ten times now?" He said, a bit of amusement in his voice, he couldn't help it. There was something about Sollux's little anger fits that was just so funny to him. Probably because it was usually him doing all the rage most of the time. Maybe it was the change of role that made it so funny. "Anyways, I guess you might wanna make it a bit more clear. Right now, it must be so fucking foggy in that hipsters thinkpan."

▲: "Yeah, no kidding!" Sollux huffed. "The guy'th fucking /relentle'th/. It'th like, Je'thu'th dude, I'm not intere'thted, 'thhut the fuck up and get a life already. I feel bad for the girl I work with, Feferi. The douchemuffin'th con'thantly drooling over her." He stated, using one of Karkat's own clever insults in said statement.
▼: "Poor girl." He said with a shake of his head and a sigh. "I'm pretty sure that fuckass just hits on anything that moves by now. Does he even have standards?" He raised a brow. By the sound of it, most of these claims Karkat was making are true, but he had rarely talked to the douche himself. A few small conversations here and there was all. "I mean, does he listen at all? Goddamn..."

▲: "I'm pretty 'thure it'th ju'tht in one ear and out the other with him." Sollux answered with another eyeroll. "Ffft, 'thtandard'th? The only 'thatandard he ha'th i'th anyone that breathe'th. actually, not even that." He said with a disgusted snort.

▼: "Well, here's an idea. Just try and ignore him." He gave a small shrug and leaned back in his seat. "Is it that hard for you to just act like he's not there for awhile? For the parts he hits on you anyways." He said with a smirk, almost like a challenge of sorts. Karkat knew Sollux most likely wouldn't be able to do this, but nothing was better then making him angry when he was able to do so to Karkat so many times.

▲: "You think I haven't tried blocking him out already?" Sollux answered bitterly. "It'th not nearly a'th ea'thy a'th it 'thound'th, you know. He'th an irritating fucker."

▼: "So i've heard." He said, smirk still there. "But there are more annoying people i could think of." he said this a nonchalant shrug. "How bout you stop letting him get to you? You're only giving him more attention, you know."

▲: At that, Sollux blinked. "Well shit, that'th a good point." He leaned back in his chair with a sigh; somehow managing to slump into it and not fall off. "And the more attention he think'th he'th getting, the more he'th gonna bug me. Your a fuckin' geniu'th. How did I not think of that?" Clueless wonder much?

▼: "Probably because you were to busy bitching about the nooksniffer himself." he said with a small laugh. "The answer wasn't that fucking hard to figure out, geez. Do you even use your thinkpan?"

▲: "Only for coding and mindcraft." Sollux responded, leaning over to give Karkat a kiss on the tip of his nose. "But that'th what I have you for, you do the thinking for me." He said with a smile, one of the smiles that only his douche of a boyfriend could get out of him.

▼: Karkat gave him a soft smile and yet a small yawn slip. It wasn't that he was board or anything, he just had never been one to sleep well. "Didn't take that much fucking thinking." he mumbled and stretched, getting a bit stiff from how long he had sat there, only that few minutes of standing to move.
▲: "Not 'thleeping again?" The other asked, having caught the yawn. He rolled his eyes although there was still the hint of a smile on his face. "In ca'the you may have forgotten, human being'th need to 'thleep in order to 'thtay alive, kk."

▼: "I haven't forgotten, asshole. I've just been too busy for sleep." he said grumpily. He wasn't lying about being busy, though he had no job, he still had school and he'd usually end up blowing his sleeping hours on homework or coding. He was determined to get better at coding then Sollux, but so far, he was far behind. "Besides, if i need sleep i'll just take a nap or something. Its not that important."

▲: "'not that important'. Right. You could pa'th out or 'thomething from lack of 'thleep, you know." He warned. "I think you're 'thuppo'thed to get like, what nine hour'th of it a night? And knowing you, you've probably gotten about two hour'th in a week. That'th not healthy."

▼: "Probably not, but i'll be fine. Like i said, if i need sleep i'll just take a nap. I've just been..busy." he said and gave him a tired smile. He knew he would need sleep soon, the bags under his eye weren't a gray, but more of a purple bruised color. And he planned on getting sleep, he really did. But something always made it where he couldn't.

▲: "Well, get un-bu'thy." Sollux told him, half-playfully and half-serious. "I don't wanna have to drag your 'thorry-a'th back to your dorm becau'the I found you pa'thed out in the 'thtreet. I'll take your computer away if you don't get more 'thleep." He threatened, sounding an awful lot like a mother.

▼: He raised an eyebrow. "Like hell you will, i'll gnaw your fucking hands off. And its not like i don't plan on ever sleeping. In fact, i might fall asleep tonight." He said and gave a lazy shrug. "I've just been talking to Gamzee and working on some codes and i guess i lose track of time.." he said and another yawned slipped out.

▲: "/Might/ being the key word here." Sollux said, shaking his head. "You 'thhould be 'thleeping /every/ night, not ju'tht whenever. Tell GZ to 'thhut up and ju'tht give up on coding already, you'll never be able to beat me." He smirked slightly before continuing. "You're practically half-a'thleep already, je'thu'th. Do I gotta carry you home?"

▼: "First off:I can't tell Gamzee to just 'thut up' he's one of my friends and he's going through some shit right now. Second:You shut up. I'm practically better then you at coding already and you know it. Third:I am not half-asleep. I am so wide awake i coul-" his face hit the table with a quiet "THUD" and he was asleep, quietly mumbling something that couldn't be understood.

▲: "Well, look'th like I /do/ have to carry you home." Sollux rolled his eyes and stood up, grunting a little as he picked Karkat up. "Good fucking god, you've 'theriou'thly got to lay off on the junk food."

▼: Karkat mumbled something incoherent and quietly snored as he was being picked up by Sollux. "M'not fat..." he said quietly, in that line where he was asleep but still able to talk and answer.

▲: Sollux laughed a little as he carried him out the door and towards his dorm. "Tell that to the guy carrying you bridle-'thtyle. You've 'thtill got plenty of baby fat, Karkle'th. Oh, I hope you've got the key'th to your dorm, 'cau'the I 'thure a'th hell don't." He added.

▼: In between Karkat's small snores he managed to say "M'back..back pocket." he said and snuggled his head into Sollux's chest.

▲: Sollux smiled at how utterly adorable Karkat looked, and managed to get the key from the smaller boy's pocket without dropping him. Then there was just the matter of getting the door open.....that took a bit of strategy, but he figured it out. He walked in and sat down on the bed; not quite ready to let go of the other just yet. "Y'know, you're really cute like thi'th," He said with a soft smile.

▼: "Not cute.." he said and cuddled up to Sollux for warmth, seeing as they were both sitting on his blankets and despite his black sweater, he really didn't like the cold and it hadn't been exactly warm outside either. "'re warm.." he said and nuzzled him.

▲: "Right, not cute. Adorable." Sollux laughed and kissed the top of his head affectionately, wrapping his arms around him. "Hmm, maybe you /'thhouldn't/ get more 'thleep if it mean'th we get to cuddle." He said playfully as he nuzzled him back.

▼: "I think...uh..i think you're right about somethin' for once." he said and yawned, enjoying the heat he was getting from Sollux. "Not the adorable thing're dead wrong bout that. the other-" he yawned widely. "Other thing."

▲: "I'm fairly 'thure I'm right about both." Sollux teased, laying down on the bed and pulling Karkat on top of him. "You're pretty damn cute when you get all 'thnuggly."

▼: Karkat made a small grunting noise when he moved, but quickly snuggled up back with Sollux. "Fuck you. M'not cute," he mumbled into Sollux's chest.

▲: "You're beyond cute." Sollux teased him, resting his chin on the top of his head. "You break the 'thcale of cutene'th. 'Thpecially when you get all cuddly like thi'th."

▼: Karkat let a small growl slip out. "I ever tell you i really hate ya at times?" he mumbled out and stuck his tongue out at Sollux.

▲: "Yeah, butcha 'thtill love me." Sollux said with a grin. He let out a content sigh and held him just a bit closer. "Now go to fuckin' 'thleep."

▼: "Don't hafta tell me twice.." he said and let out a final yawn before falling asleep, warm and cozy cuddling up to Sollux.

▲: Sollux smiled and toyed with his hair for a while; before letting out a yawn of his own. Aw, fuck it, he was warm and happy. He hugged Karkat tightly before falling asleep himself.

▼: Karkat sighed happily, not quite sure what he was really dreaming about. It was all just..blank. But whatever it was, it involved Sollux and brought a smile to his face even in his sleep.
fvrnkigglintih karkat i love you <3
i saved this in a document on my computer. it was legitimately called: OHMYGAWDCUTESOLKATFLUFFMUSTPOSTMUSTPOST

sollux: me
karkat: not me
© 2012 - 2024 4-3-2-fuckyou
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solkatfan24's avatar
Awwww so cute and karkat is 100% adorable